Angels All Around Us


On Sunday 18th August Graeme and Fran Wylie spoke at BCC. These are great friends of Bridge, who as part of Plumbline Ireland have been supporting and visiting us since we began. Now based in Toulouse, France, they travel to teach, pray and prophesy wherever the Lord leads them.

Graeme explored the whole subject of angels, giving a great overview of who they are and what they do, according to the Word of God. It was really encouraging and eye-opening to hear how they are serving spirits sent to help those who are inheriting God’s salvation (Hebrews 1:14). They both spoke about their own experiences of angels acting in this way, as well as warning about false views of these great servants of God.

We’ll have the audio recording and some notes up soon, but thank you, Graeme & Fran. You can follow them on their Harvest France website